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Meet Odeleya

Your Favorite Personal Assistant

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Hi, I'm Odeleya, the owner and operator of Thy Help Mate, Personal Assistant Services. I am from sunny Florida where it is hot everyday. With 5 older brothers, I am the baby of my siblings and in my downtime, I enjoy dancing and a wide range of music genres.


Much like many of us, I felt myself 'going through the motions' of life, trying to figure a career path for my adult life. I pictured myself as a math teacher, lobbyist, doctor, doula, coder... you name it. At some point, I was interested in each of these , yet neither felt like they were something I could do for the rest of my life.


Then my brother made a suggestion, “Why not make a business out of helping people? You already do it for free.”  One thing I was great at and never stopped doing was helping people.

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The Birth of Thy Helpmate

Thy Helpmate is a play on being one’s “helpmeet”, except we’re friends--always here to help when you need an extra hand or a break from your daily routine.


Our specialties include both Virtual Assistant Services for an every once-in-a-while task, or routine assistance for an extended period of time. 


We take pride in learning new things! If you need a service not listed, reach out via our Contact page. We just may be able to Help you.

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